Helpful Information for Making the Best Offer when Buying a Home
After spending time with a real estate agent looking at one house after another, you finally found the perfect home, one that has everything you and your family wants. At this time, you need to make an offer but you want to make sure you put in the right offer so it has a much better chance of being accepted by the seller. Obviously, the seller is looking to make money from the sale so coming in with an extremely low bid would only be seen as offensive but on the other hand you would not want to offer too much!
To purchase the home of your dreams, we can show you with the following information how to make an offer that would get the seller's attention.
* You need to work with a qualified real estate agent or talk to family members and friends that have knowledge and/or experience in the market. While agents are not ethically supposed to provide guidance regarding setting a price when selling a home but the agent can assist buyers in trying to offer the right amount of money. * You should also spend time to learn about the property's history. For instance, if the home was originally purchased while the market was down, chances are the price or close to that same price is what you would ultimately pay. This information would be helpful to know, which assists you in establishing a good offer price.
* Additionally, look at current real estate prices. If the current market was a "seller's market", then chances are the seller is not going to be very flexible regarding the selling price but with this now being a buyer's market, sellers are open to more negotiation because of high competition.
* It would also be helpful to compare a variety of homes for sale within a five-mile radius, as long as the homes are similar in size, age, and features. With this, you would have a much more accurate idea of what type of offer would be appealing to the seller. After all, if there were two or three comparable homes and you know the price being sold at, then the offer you want to make on a home would be based on facts.
* Be sure you know your budget and stick with it. Unfortunately, too many people have purchased a home outside their financial means, only finding themselves in a situation of not being able to make the payments, which increases risk of short sale or foreclosure.
* Many sellers have a sentimental attachment to the home, perhaps being their first home or the place where they raised kids. In this case, you want to let the seller know that you love the home and would love to create your own memories in it. Often, connecting to the seller and being empathetic could help make the seller comes to terms in selling while accepting a price lower than being asked for. Just be careful not to go overboard in that the seller might see this as desperate, meaning he or she could increase the asking price or simply not budge on the original price.
* Remember that when buying a home, you can negotiate a reduced price and you should never be embarrassed or afraid to do so. In addition, once the inspection comes back, if damage or moderate to major repairs are revealed, then you now have the opportunity to put in a lower bid.
Using this information will help you drill down to an offer on the house you want in an effective manner. Often, this makes a difference in getting the house for less money so you and your family can settle in and begin enjoying life in your new home.
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