
วันพุธที่ 19 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Are Real Estate Agents Worth Their Fees?

Are Real Estate Agents Worth Their Fees?

There's no doubt about it, people use real estate agents to sell and buy property all the time. On the other hand, some people, choose not to use a real estate agent and in turn, buy and sell their own properties. This often leaves many wondering if real estate agents are truly worth their fees. The answer is, "it depends on your lifestyle and the time in your life that the real estate transaction is completed." That is, each person's circumstances will dictate the answer to this mind-boggling question. We will now discuss this in further detail. First, of all, let's discuss why some people employ an agent. Many people employ an agent simply because they don't have the time or the energy to sell the property themselves. Take me for instance, when I employed a real estate agent to sell my residential property, I was working a full time job, caring for children, my husband and my home. We were both very busy and simply didn't have the time or the energy to take care of the details to get our property sold. We had too much going on and we simply needed to get the property sold quickly so that we wouldn't loose out on our "dream home." In this instance, conducting the entire deal ourselves simply would not have been a wise decision. Instead, we hired a professional real estate agent and we paid her 4% of the selling price. Although this may seem like a lot, it actually wasn't. Our real estate agent closed the deal quickly and got us 10% more than we thought the property was worth. She really knew her stuff and we were smart to hire her. Second, let's discuss why some people might choose to conduct their own real estate transaction. There are many reasons but the most common is that they have the time and energy to handle the deal and they don't want to share the profits with the agent. Let me use myself again as an example. Once I became an empty nester and started looking for additional income, I decided to play the real estate investing game by selling a piece of property that I already owned. As an empty nester, I listed the property in the paper, showed it, and handled contract negotiations. As a result, we received a nice offer for the sale and when it closed, we received a hefty profit due to the fact that we didn't use an agent. In this case, an agent simply didn't make good financial sense. In conclusion, I've learned that real estate agents can be worth their fees however it depends on your personal situation. If you don't have the time to sell or buy property yourself, for whatever reason, it pays to use an agent. If you have time and energy, then using an agent makes no sense at all. So, do what works for you and enjoy your profits - either way, you earned them!There's no doubt about it, people use real estate agents to sell and buy property all the time. On the other hand, some people, choose not to use a real esate agent and in turn, buy and sell their own properties. This often leaves many wondering if real estate agents are truly worth their fees. The answer is, "it depends on your lifestyle and the time in your life that the real estate transaction is completed." That is, each person's circumstances will dictate the answer to this mind-boggling question. Let's now discuss this in further detail.


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